Here are some random pics of the engine and transmission in its final position. I still need to make the transmission support bracket.
The normal 1.5 - 2 inches of sump hangdown that you get with a Miata engine:
Plenty of room for a nice steering column setup. The gentleman who built this chassis offset the transmission tunnel to the right a tad, to enlarge the driver's area. Good idea for a number of reasons (though it did make positioning the engine/trans take a little more brainpower than it otherwise would have).
Saturday, May 10, 2008
...and We're Back.
Sorry for the delay in posts, dear readers (assuming that any of you readers out there actually anticipate the next entry). No, I haven't stopped work on the Se7en! I've just been a bit busy with work and haven't posted any blog updates.
So... developments since the last post:
1. My friendly neighbor and fellow GRMer ( Jason is stripping down a Miata to make a track car, and in the process he's removing all of the "soft bits" as well as putting some proper wheels and tires on it. Ergo, he's graciously offered to give me, free of charge, his "daisy" Miata wheels w/ roll-around tires, the gauge cluster, and the speedo cable. [Jason is also selling his racecar Se7en (bike-engined no less), so there will not be the unlikely coincidence of two Se7ens in the same neighborhood.] His generosity will afford me more money in the budget for other things, though I am not quite sure where it will be used.
2. I got a new throttle body to replace the one mashed up in the donor car's wreck:
Unfortunately, the back side looked like this:
After some scrubbing with carb cleaner, it was much better:
3. Engine mounts are progressing nicely! Holes were drilled, the engine/transmission were positioned, and the mounts were tacked into place:
Unfortunately, the one slot I put on the passenger's side mount was not large enough, so I'll need to elongate it.
So... developments since the last post:
1. My friendly neighbor and fellow GRMer ( Jason is stripping down a Miata to make a track car, and in the process he's removing all of the "soft bits" as well as putting some proper wheels and tires on it. Ergo, he's graciously offered to give me, free of charge, his "daisy" Miata wheels w/ roll-around tires, the gauge cluster, and the speedo cable. [Jason is also selling his racecar Se7en (bike-engined no less), so there will not be the unlikely coincidence of two Se7ens in the same neighborhood.] His generosity will afford me more money in the budget for other things, though I am not quite sure where it will be used.
2. I got a new throttle body to replace the one mashed up in the donor car's wreck:
Unfortunately, the back side looked like this:
After some scrubbing with carb cleaner, it was much better:
3. Engine mounts are progressing nicely! Holes were drilled, the engine/transmission were positioned, and the mounts were tacked into place:
Unfortunately, the one slot I put on the passenger's side mount was not large enough, so I'll need to elongate it.
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