Friday, August 15, 2008

Back in the saddle

Wow, mid-August already. I'm well overdue for an update, so here goes.

First of all, a huge thanks to my generous neighbor, Jason, who donated a set of Miata wheels, gauge cluster, and speedo cable to the build!

By the way, if you're looking for a ready-built Se7en, Jason is selling his motorcycle-engined autocrosser for CHEAP:

Last weekend, I finished the transmission bracket, which is basically an "L" with a gusset in the "elbow." It's attached to the chassis via two bolts, one on each end of the bottom of the L.

It is isolated via rubber bushings. Here is a pic of the bushing assemble before I had the bolt carriers welded to the L and chassis.

Today, I moved on to the mounting brackets for the "ears" of the differential. The differential was already positively located with the lower torque bracket (done by previous owner) and shimmed to the correct height at the "ears."

First, I cut four plates, two upper and two lower:

Then, I cut two horizontal supports per side:

And welded it all up:

I then added triangulation down to the lower chassis rail:

Next, I'll be painting a few things to keep the rust off, then moving on!

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