I spent yesterday finishing the housings for the mirrors. I'm pretty sure that they're done. I determined that I'll need a flat, hard surface to be mounted in between the stick-on mirror film and the carbon mirror housing -- otherwise, the mirror becomes distorted due to the slightly irregular surface of the mirror housing. I'll probably use a slab of balsa to maintain lightness.
I also spent some time working on the mounting system. I've had some aluminum brazing rod called Durafix for several years now, but have never taken the time to try it out. Well, I can now report that it seems to work! Based on that success, I plan on using aluminum rod and bar stock to make the mounts.
Pics to follow.
I also spent some time thinking about what color to paint the bodywork on the car. I definitely want something with high visibility, so that other drivers can see me on the road. I'm leaning toward Krypton Green as found on the Lotus Elise/Exige:
(Thanks to Randy Chase of Lotustalk.com -- this picture is from the gallery there).
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I would highly recommend finding a local Sherwin-Williams Automotive store or authorized paintshop and having a look through their Planet Color book. There was a couple of phenominal greens in there, I almost switched from blue to green because I was getting an entire re-paint anyway do to freight damage, but the blue I picked just edged out the green. http://www.marshsite.com/nautical.htm
Thanks for the tip, Chad! I'll definitely have to find one of those places and check out their colors. That blue looks great.
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